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Bartoli spa, protagonist of "XXI Secolo", on Rai Uno

24 gennaio 2024

"Social and labour policies, the impact of artificial intelligence and the digital and ecological transition"

This is the theme of the "XXI Secolo" episode of the Rai Uno (National TV) programme conducted by Alessandro Giorgino, during which we had the honour of being represented by our president, Giorgio Bartoli. The broadcast offered a valuable space to discuss crucial issues concerning the future of our planet and our communities.

In particular, we addressed the issue of the ecological transition and how companies can and must respond to current environmental challenges. The president had the opportunity to share with the public what Bartoli Spa is doing to contribute to this transition.

Through a series of initiatives and strategies, we are actively working to reduce our environmental impact and promote sustainable practices in all aspects of our operations. From reducing carbon emissions to promoting energy efficiency, from waste management policies to supporting the sustainable supply chain, we are taking concrete measures to protect our planet and future generations. If you have not had the opportunity to watch the broadcast, please do so by clicking on the button below.

[ We are talking about Bartoli spa at 50:45 min ]

Sustainability report

We decided to draft a document that would allow us to share with our stakeholders the commitment that has always distinguished our company's work.

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